SIM BAZAR operates in Telecom sector services.

SIM BAZAR is an ISO 9001 : 2015 certified company.

SIM BAZAR is giving telecom sector’s classified services. Sim Bazar is the bridge to connect customer and telecom retailers. Sim Bazar increases business profitability for telecom retailers.

SIM BAZAR is a unique search engine for retailers And work like bridge to connect retailers each other.


  • "Our vision statement is to be Gujarat’s leading telecom sector’s search engine. www.simbazar.com is to be only the one platform in whole Gujarat’s telecom sector."


  • "Sim Bazar wants to meet telecom sector’s all outlets, retailers, recharge store, accessories store, mobile stores at one place by www.simbazar.com."
  • "Sim Bazar will cover his network in whole telecommunication market."
  • "Sim Bazar becomes very easy path to connect all Gujarat’s Mobile shops and outlets by www.simbazar.com."